Urgent action is needed for a healthy Earth, according to a UN environment meeting. Earth Situation News

Urgent action is needed for a healthy Earth, according to a UN environment meeting. Earth Situation News
Urgent action is needed for a healthy Earth, according to a UN environment meeting. Earth Situation News

What's happening to Earth right now?

STOCKHOLM – A United Nations (UN) environment forum that began on Thursday in Stockholm has urged for immediate and socially inclusive climate action. 

The gathering, dubbed "Stockholm+50: a healthy planet for the prosperity of all our responsibilities and opportunities," takes place as the world grapples with the triple challenges of climate change, biodiversity loss, and pollution.

It comes 50 years after Sweden hosted the inaugural United Nations Conference on the Human Environment in 1972.

"Developed countries pollute the most and have polluted the most." In her opening remarks, Swedish Prime Minister Magdalena Andersson noted, "But the poorest are impacted the hardest."

"Climate change can only be achieved if it is done in a social and inclusive manner. This isn't just a possibility. "This is our moral responsibility," she stated.


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